3.4.1 – Areas, Systems, and Components Inspected

Areas, Systems, and Components Inspected 1

Areas, Systems, and Components Inspected 2

Areas, Systems, and Components Inspected 3


Efflorescence (crawlspace)

Efflorescence (white powdery substance) on the wall indicates moisture is in contact with the concrete or masonry. This does not necessarily indicate that intrusion will occur. I recommend checking the gutters and the downspout drain lines for proper operation. Also, a water proofing paint could be applied to the interior side of the wall if necessary. Efflorescence is found on many properties without water intrusion occurring inside the property. But, it should alert you to the possibility that future steps may be needed. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair as necessary.

Negative Grading (exterior)

The property had areas of neutral or negative drainage, which will route runoff from precipitation to the foundation.  Excessive moisture content in soil supporting the foundation can cause foundation and other structural damage from undermining, heaving or settling, depending on soil composition, moisture content and other conditions.The ground around the property should slope away from all sides. Ideally, 6” of fall in the first 5’ is recommended by most soils engineers for landscape areas, and then 2% (1/4” per foot thereafter). Downspouts, surface gutters and drains should also be directing water away from the foundation. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair as necessary according to current standards.

Downspout Extensions Too Short (exterior)

One or more down spout extensions were too short. Recommend installing 6-8ft long (or greater as needed) extensions to divert rainwater runoff away from the property.

Ventilation Insufficient (crawlspace)

There was no or insufficient ventilation present for the crawlspace. Recommend adding additional ventilation as needed. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.