3284 S Grant St
Englewood, CO 80113
The roof covering is bulged or bubbled in some areas, which may make it more susceptible to damage.
Recommend a qualified contractor to evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The plumbing vent did not extend far enough above the roof. A plumbing vent should extend a minimum of 6″ above the snow line, which is considered approximately 10″. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The attic access was thoroughly textured and painted shut. An attempt was made to use a razor to separate the hatch, however, it was not successful. Excessive force, significant cutting, and possible damage may result to the paint and drywall texture in an effort to open this hatch. Recommend a qualified contractor evaluate the attic space once access is provided.
The soffit was damaged in one or more areas.
Recommend a qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.
Window Well(s) lack covers and may represent a danger to small children and may trap pests. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
Minor cracking was visible on the walkway(s) in areas. Monitoring is the minimum recommendation. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.
The tree limbs that are in contact with the roof or hanging near the roof should be trimmed. Evaluating trees lies beyond the scope of the general property inspection.
Recommend a qualified contractor to evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
A stairway of more than 3 steps or drop of over 30″ was missing a handrail.
The downspout (s) are missing the proper 6 ft. extensions. This condition may cause problems by introducing excessive amounts of moisture to the soil beneath the foundation. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.
A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.
Some windows had damaged or missing screens. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
At the interior stairs, the steps did not have sufficient headroom. The minimum stair tread to ceiling measurement is 6’8″ (6’6″ for a spiral staircase) A fall or injury could occur if not corrected. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The carbon monoxide detector was installed improperly. Carbon monoxide detectors should be installed on the wall no more than 12 inches from the floor. A qualified person should repair or replace according to current standards. The existing carbon monoxide detectors were tested if present, but they are only noted as to presence and operation as of the date of inspection. Carbon monoxide detectors may work today but not work when you need them to work. This is why it is important for you to test them on a regular basis, monthly at least.
A common maintenance task for brick masonry is the repair of mortar joints. The longevity of mortar joints will vary with the exposure conditions and the mortar materials used, but a life span of more than 25 years is typical. The longevity of brick, however, may well exceed 100 years. Consequently, occasional repair of the mortar joints is expected over the life of the brick masonry. It is our observation that the most common reason for repointing brick masonry is to improve water penetration resistance. Repointing deteriorated mortar joints is one of the most effective and permanent ways of decreasing water entry into brickwork. This is because the most common means of water entry into a brick masonry wall is through de-bonded, cracked, or deteriorated mortar joints. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair all areas as necessary.
The laundry room did not have an exhaust fan or an openable window. A qualified contractor should evaluate, then repair or replace as advised.
An outlet did not provide Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) protection. Although GFCI protection of circuits may not have been required at the time in which this home was built, safe building practices have improved with the passage of time and building standards have changed to reflect current understanding. The inspector recommends updating the existing electrical circuits to include GFCI protection. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
No vent connection was provided for the dryer. Lack of proper dryer venting to the exterior may result in excessively high humidity levels which can damage property materials or components and may encourage the growth of microbes such as mold. Lack of proper dryer venting can also result in the accumulation of lint on the property. Lint is combustible and its accumulation is a potential fire hazard and a possible health hazard from the inhalation of particulates. The Inspector recommends proper installation of an Underwriter’s Laboratory (UL) approved dryer vent for safety reasons. Dryer vents should be clean annually to ensure that safe conditions continue to exist.
The door would not latch when closed and may need adjustment at the strike plate to latch properly. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The sink drain line was clogged or drains slowly. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The hot water in the shower did not get over 100 degrees whereas the nearby faucets did. This may indicate that either the mixing valve (safety feature to limit potential scalding) or control cartridge needs adjustment to achieve a hot shower. There may be a more significant issue, that only further evaluation can reveal.
The hot and cold supply was installed correctly and the property’s overall hot water temperature was within an acceptable range.
Recommend a qualified contractor to evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
An opening in the panel was missing a filler plate. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair and replace as necessary.
The combustion air supply for this appliance was not present. A qualified contractor should evaluate and make necessary corrections according to current standards.
The fresh air supply is recommended by manufacturers for the efficient operation of fuel-burning appliances. Years ago, the air could come from inside or outside the building, however, more recent standards prefer for combustion air to come from the outside only.
The water temperature was below the suggested range of 120-130 degrees. Recommend adjusting the water heater thermostat first. If water does not reach the acceptable range then a qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace it as necessary.
No soil cover was installed at the time of the inspection. Soil covers help reduce humidity levels in crawlspaces by limiting moisture evaporation into the air from the soil. Reducing humidity levels can help reduce the chances of mold growth and deterioration of structural components. A qualified contractor should evaluate and install a soil cover as necessary.
There is no insulation on the crawlspace exterior walls or floor system. Heat loss can occur more on this property than on one that is properly insulated. A qualified contractor should evaluate and install as necessary.
The concrete floor in the basement was cracked in areas. These cracks appear to be common cracks indicating regular settlement or heaving, but not necessarily structural problems. Recommend a qualified contractor to evaluate to make further recommendations and repair as necessary.
Axium recommends our premier partner – Level Engineering. They can be contacted at 720-706-8540 or online at www.axiuminspections.com/structural-engineer.