The inspector observed exposed nails on the roof covering. This condition could allow moisture to penetrate the roof component. A qualified contractor should evaluate, then repair or replace as advised prior to the inspection objection deadline.
Shingles are present in an area of low slope. Shingles requires special underlayment on slopes of less than 3:12. The inspector is unable to determine if the special underlayment is present. Cause for concern would be an area more suitable to ice damning. Recommend a qualified contractor evaluate and repair or replace as needed.
Gutters were full of debris or granules in areas and need to be cleaned. The debris in gutters can clog drainage, or be a sign gutters are sloped improperly – Either of which may cause problems by overflowing to introduce excessive amounts of moisture to the soil beneath the foundation. Excessive moisture in soil supporting the foundation can affect its ability to support the weight of the structure above and may cause foundation damage from soil movement.
Debris in gutters can also conceal rust, deterioration or leaks that are not visible until cleaned.
A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.
The insulation is not uniform: thicker in areas, thinner in areas, or possibly missing in some areas.
Recommend a qualified contractor evaluate and repair or replace as needed.
Dryer vent duct was clogged and did not vent to the exterior properly. This may cause major moisture and mold issues and is also a fire hazard. All mechanical exhaust fans must terminate outside.
A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as needed.
The concrete driveway was moderately cracked. Cracks that progress to a separation of 1/4″ and more would be an indication of settlement, heaving, or structural problems. Cracks may present a tripping hazard. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair as necessary.
The siding and/or trim was damaged in areas of the exterior.
A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.
Gaps at intersections of the siding, trim, and door and window openings, as well as any other holes in the siding, should be sealed with an appropriate sealant to prevent water penetration into the wall system. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
Recommend removing
It Wasp nest is present at the time of inspection. Recommend removing by qualified contractor.
An entry door had damaged or deteriorated weather stripping at the time of the inspection. A qualified contractor should evaluate, then repair or replace as advised.
French doors at living room exterior exit are difficult to unlatch and open. Recommend a qualified contractor evaluate and repair or replace as needed.
A window was a missing a window screen.
A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.
Window wells had accumulated soil, leaves, and other debris which should be cleared to encourage proper drainage and minimize the retaining of moisture near the foundation and moisture intrusion and damage through the window area. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary according to current standards.
Window Well(s) lacked covers and may represent a danger to small children and may trap pests. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
Window well(s) lacked an egress ladder. Window wells more that 44″ below grade should have a permanent ladder installed. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.
The walkway(s) showed signs of heaving and/or settling in areas. Heaving is often caused by soil that has expanded in volume due to increased moisture content, or by wet soil which has expanded as it became frozen. Settlement is when the soil below a concrete slab is loose or it can no longer support the weight causing it to sink or crack.
- This causes cracks in the concrete.
- This creates trip hazards that could result in injury.
A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.
Large trees near the house have branches which overhang the property. Falling branches due to conditions such as wood decay, high winds or heavy snow loads may cause injury, death or damage. Significant weakening of large branches by conditions such as core decay may not be visible by persons without special training. Consider having these trees evaluated by a qualified arborist. Evaluating trees lies beyond the scope of the general property inspection.
Recommend a qualified contractor evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
Cracked or split boards were present at the deck. This condition is a structural defect and potential safety hazard.
A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The deck had visible indications of bare or worn out surfaces. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The carpet was stained in areas. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The floors showed signs of minor damage and wear, particularly in high-traffic areas. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The door had areas of peeling paint. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
French doors latch was too high to reach without assistance. Recommend qualified contractor evaluate and repair or replace as needed.
An electrical outlet was loose in the wall. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The ceiling fan wobbles when operated and may need to be balanced. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The tile on the wall or backsplash had missing or damaged grout. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The drain stop did not work or did not hold water in the sink. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
One or more tiles were cracked in the bath/shower area.
A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
Caulking in the shower/tub area was deteriorated at the time of inspection. Recommend a qualified contractor evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The tile floor was cracked/damaged. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
An electrical outlet was loose in the wall. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
Toilet seat was damage at the time of inspection. Recommend a qualified contractor evaluate and repair or replace as needed.
Caulking in the shower/tub area was deteriorated at the time of inspection. Recommend a qualified contractor evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The tile floor had missing or damaged grout. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The drain stop did not work or did not hold water in the sink. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The paint was peeling in areas. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The drain stop did not work or did not hold water in the sink. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
A plumbing fixtures control handle was loose at the time of inspection. Recommend a qualified contractor evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
Caulking in the shower/tub area was deteriorated at the time of inspection. Recommend a qualified contractor evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The property water supply pressure measured at the exterior faucet or laundry appliance hose bib. Property water supply pressure exceeded the 80 pounds per square inch (PSI) limit considered the maximum allowable by generally accepted current standards. Excessively high water pressure can stress connections in the plumbing system and appliances is likely to cause leaks.
A qualified contractor should install a pressure regulator or evaluate and repair or replace one as necessary.
The combustion air supply for this appliance was not present. A qualified contractor should evaluate and make necessary corrections according to current standards.
Fresh air supply is recommended by manufacturers for efficient operation of fuel burning appliances. Years ago, the air could come from inside or outside the building, however, more recent standards prefer for combustion air to come from the outside only.
The heating system cabinet was corroded, rusted or damaged in some areas. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The exterior compressor unit was not level. Over time, this may result in noisy fan operation, damage to the fan bearings and a shortened fan lifespan, or it may result in movement of the compressor housing which can cause leaks in refrigerant lines resulting in expensive service. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.