The insulation had been walked on or had stored items compressing it, which reduces the R-value.
Recommend a qualified contractor to evaluate and repair or replace as needed.
The insulation is thinner than current thermal resistance (R-value) standards.
Recommend a qualified contractor to evaluate and repair or replace as needed.
An exterior door is weathered or deteriorated. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.
The entry light to the left of the front door was not working at the time of the inspection or possibly on a building timer.
The ceiling in the garage was damaged.
Recommend a qualified contractor to evaluate and repair or replace as needed.
An interior wall in the garage was damaged.
Recommend a qualified contractor to evaluate and repair or replace as needed.
Walls and/or ceilings had signs of repairs at the time of inspection. Recommend asking current homeowners for more information. Should repairs appear to be poorly done, we recommend having a qualified contractor evaluate further for any further repairs.
The concrete floor in the garage was cracked. Due to expansive soils, minor cracks are to be expected in the slabs or control joints. Recommend a qualified contractor to evaluate and repair or replace as needed.
The garage door opener had a light bulb that was not working. Recommend a qualified contractor to evaluate and repair or replace as needed.
There was cracking around some windows on the interior (where the window meets the wall). A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
Minor cracking was visible on the interior ceilings. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The interior ceilings have signs of repairs. Recommend asking the current homeowner for more information. Recommend further evaluation from a qualified contractor should the repairs be excessive or of visibly poor quality.
The tile floor had missing or damaged grout. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The floors showed signs of minor damage and wear, particularly in high-traffic areas. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The window had spring rails that are loose and the window doesn’t operate properly. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
One or more electrical outlets were not grounded. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The supply register cover was loose or damaged. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
Excessive lint, dust, and/or debris were built up in the pilot ignition compartment. Recommend further evaluation and proper cleaning by a qualified professional.
Baseboard trim was missing in areas of the interior walls at the time of inspection. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as needed.
A transition piece was missing between two sections of flooring. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The countertop needs caulking with silicone along the backsplash. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
Counters or cabinetry had a finish that was worn or peeling. Recommend a qualified contractor to evaluate and repair or replace as needed.
The refrigerator/freezer was not cooling at proper temperatures. It is recommended that a refrigerator cools at around 38 degrees while a freezer cools at around zero degrees. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The laundry area exhaust fan was loose. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The drywall was cut out for an access hole. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The floors showed signs of minor damage and wear – particularly in high-traffic areas. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
There appeared to be some damage to the interior flooring in areas. Recommend a qualified contractor to evaluate and repair or replace as needed.
An outlet did not provide Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) protection. Although GFCI protection of circuits may not have been required at the time in which this home was built, safe building practices have improved with the passage of time and building standards have changed to reflect current understanding. The inspector recommends updating the existing electrical circuits to include GFCI protection. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The bathroom exhaust fan was loose and/or hanging. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The floors showed signs of minor damage and wear – particularly in high-traffic areas. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The shower/bathtub was missing a trim piece. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The tub spout and or control lever cover plate was missing silicone caulking. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The bathroom exhaust fan did not work. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The walls had signs of a previous repair. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The carpet was loose or baggy and may need to be restretched. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
A transition piece was missing between two sections of flooring. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
An electrical outlet was loose in the wall. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The drain stop did not work or did not hold water in the sink. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The tub/shower area had deteriorated or missing sealant (caulking or grout) at the corners and/or floor. Sealant is needed at wall corners inside the shower, corners from tub to wall, and along the floor perimeter. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
Some or all circuit breakers were a brand different from the main panel brand. Circuit breakers made by different manufacturers vary in design, therefore panel manufacturers require their own manufactured breakers to be used. Select brands are interchangeable, and there are some “semi” universal breaker types or panel types.
Using incompatible breakers in the panel of another manufacturer may result in poor connections which can create a potential fire or shock/electrocution hazard. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The expansion tank was not properly secured. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The TPRV pipe did not conspicuously terminate within 6 inches of the floor. This may allow high-pressure hot water to cause unnecessary damage. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
The exterior compressor unit was not level. Over time, this may result in noisy fan operation, damage to the fan bearings, and a shortened fan lifespan, or it may result in movement of the compressor housing which can cause leaks in refrigerant lines resulting in expensive service. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary and according to current standards.
Based on the age of the heating system it is recommended that it be cleaned and serviced and certified (if possible) by an HVAC professional.
The furnace cabinet interior at the blower chamber had moisture damage from a condensation leak. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.